Fred Broer
R e c o r d i n g s
Released November 6, 2015: TURBULENT SKY
A CD rcording of modern orchestra music
including a performance of my SYMPHONY FOR STRING ORCHESTRA
by the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
on Navona Records label

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CD is available for purchase on
Type the album name TURBULENT SKY into the search field.
Just released June 10, 2016
CD album featuring my String Quartet No. 8
and four piano pieces
on Navona Records label

This CD is available for purchase on
Type FRED BROER into the search field
also visit :
NEW CD ALBUM - now available
Featuring three of my chamber music works
see album cover below for specific titles
Contact me for purchase information
Cost per album (Including postage) $7.00
Two CDs in each album: one with music performances and
one with PDF music scores.

New CD Album 2017
Three works for Symphony Orchestra
Contact me for purchase information
Cost of album $7.00 (including postage)
Two CDs in each album: one with recorded electronic performances
and one with PDF music scores
